Make brilliant shows. Make theatre social. Make sustainability easy.
The Greenhouse is the UK’s first zero-waste theatre company. We create top-quality, award-winning art in a radically sustainable way.
Our Work
We harness the power of performance and storytelling to spark climate action and make saving the planet really, really easy. Our work invites audiences to discuss, debate, and reach their own conclusions. It never lectures – instead, it helps our audiences form deep, personal connections with the natural world. Then, our workshops and events share the skills our audiences need to put that inspiration into action. Read More…
Our Practice
We put our money where our mouths are. Everything that we do, use, and make is completely zero-waste. That means all the materials we use in the creation of our projects have had a life before us. If we don’t need them after the project is finished, we make sure they have a life after us too. We’re suggesting a better way of working for the arts and beyond, while never compromising on quality. Read More…
Our Venue
Our venue is a core part of what we do. Made completely from found and recycled materials, the venue has a clear roof, and has no floor except the grass beneath your feet. Set up in-the-round and completely naturally lit, the very architecture of the space helps people connect with the stories being told, each-other, and the natural world. Read More…