The Greenhouse 2020 – Cancellation
Just two months ago, it seemed impossible that The Greenhouse would not be opening its doors for 2020. After a smash-hit success with our pilot in 2019, we have been working around the clock to create a project that was more ambitious, more exciting, and sparked more sustainable action.
However, a lot has changed over the last two months – many things far greater than our humble eco-theatre. So, it is with a heavy heart that we must announce the cancellation of our 2020 season. Although our venue is small, we believe that this is the best decision not just for public health, but to show support and solidarity for those whose lives have come to a halt as a result of this crisis, for any reason.

In this dark and challenging time, we extend our hearts and our thanks to everyone who is keeping the world running – from medical professionals to supermarket workers. We also extend our gratitude to artists, past and present, who are playing no small role in keeping us entertained during our time in isolation. We recognise there is not a single person who is experiencing this time without hardship. It’s crucial to remember the role that each and everyone one of us is currently playing, and the daily tragedies we may all experience.
Whilst this crisis has certainly put a financial burden on us and many others in the arts – largely due to the government’s mishandling of public-space closures – there are certainly many who are suffering even more. Coronavirus is disproportionately affecting people in low-income brackets, and members of ethnic minority communities. If you are in a position where you can donate some money, these are the places where it would make the most difference. Consider Turn2Us, a national charity fighting poverty. Or alternatively, consider giving some food to your local food bank.
Yet despite this, we are trying to take some positives from this time in isolation, and we want to help you do the same. We have recently launched a YouTube series called Staying Green in Quarantine, designed to help you build sustainable habits both for now and for the future. You can expect to see videos twice a week, as well as photos and blog posts to help you develop your sustainable skillset while having fun. Whether you want to be more sustainable, or you’re just looking for valuable things to do with your time at home, we’d love for you to check it out.
We will endeavour to bring you the same season in 2021 as we were originally planning to this year, and we hope to present some work this autumn as well – keep your eyes on the website and our social media channels for updates. Who knows what the future holds at the moment? But whatever happens, we remain dedicated to building a brighter, fairer, more sustainable future.
In the meantime, we wish you and everyone you love all the best in these trying times. We are seeing a tragedy unfold before us. We hope, with this imposed pause on everyone’s daily routine, that it is a chance to stop and reflect on the world as it currently is, and consider what we can all do to make it a little better. The cost is far too great, but we must at least make some good from this.
Stay safe,
The Greenhouse Team